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The 7 Ancient Mystery Schools

Experience the magick of the 7 ancient Mystery Schools.

  • 50 US dollars
  • North Lamar Boulevard

Service Description

Go behind the scenes of the ancient mystery schools in this interactive class. Learn of their location, purpose, and feel the energy of each. Real Magick is Steeped In Tradition! For thousands of years, mystery schools have quietly existed. Often associated with the occult, they have become synonymous with legend, their existence, practices and origins shrouded in enigma to the public. The schools cultivate skills and talents of many who have passed through their sacred doors to become leaders in art, music, science, technology and innovation. These schools are still very much alive today, the wisdom teachings carefully passed down through chains of unbroken lineage for thousands of years. It is through their care that these traditions have been preserved and protected through many generations. There are 7 mystery schools on the planet today, each with it's own origins, lineage and missions. All are united in the purpose of bringing more light to the world for the progression of humanity. Throughout most of history, the doors to these sacred traditions and teachings were closed to protect them from threat. Now the doors are open once again and we are invited to study and experience the effectiveness and power of these magickal protocols. THE EXPERIENCE: In this class, we will be connecting to the energies of each mystery school tradition through meditation and specific practices that are unique to each school. You will be able to gain your own experience of the the different energies each tradition holds. Practice ancient rituals associated with each school and feel their energies. Learn the purpose, origin and location of each of the schools. This experience is just the tip of the ice burg. Let yourself dive into the mysterious world of magick. Let this experience ignite the spark of curiosity within you.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please notify me 24 hours in advance. I work in a community center and pay a booking fee for each session I book. If you request to cancel or rebook after the 24 hour period, there will be a $50 non-refundable booking fee to reschedule.

Contact Details

  • The Modern Mystery School - Texas, 5555 North Lamar Boulevard j125, Austin, TX, USA

    (737) 888-5563

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